Missing DLL installation issue

If you encounter the above message while installing gSycnit this may indicate a problem with the installation package, possible permissions issue or out of date Windows components that are preventing the installation from completing.


  1. Run Windows Updates and install all important/critical upates and run the installer again.

  2. Install the VC++ 2015 Runtime components and run the installer again:


  1. Try running the installation using elevated/adminstrative righs:

    Opening the Windows Task Manager and run the gSyncit installer with the option to create this task with administrative privileges enabled as shown below. Click File / Run new task / locate the gSyncit installer, select "Create this task with administrative privileges" and run the installation. 


Try adjusting the permissions on the user temp directory and run the installer again.

  1. Locate the folder C:\Users\(current user)\AppData\Local\Temp using the Windows file explorer

  2. Right-click the "Temp" folder from the Windows file explorer,

  3. Select Properties > Security

  4. Select Edit -> Add

  5. Type Everyone and click Check Names

  6. Click OK

  7. Check "Full control" for the Everyone group

  8. Save the dialog by clicking OK.

  9. Try running the gSyncit installation again. 

  10. IMPORTANT: When the installation is complete remove the "Everyone" permission from your Temp folder.